Leica RM2165 Microtome: The Leica RM2165 is a fully motorized rotary microtome for applications in the medical laboratory and for semi-thin sectioning in biomedical research and industrial quality control applications. The RM2165 is for users looking for a microtome for either their various microtomy needs or specific top-of-the-range sectioning requirements. The RM2165 is also the instrument of choice for sectioning at low temperatures in combination with the LN21 Freezing Unit. A microtome (from the Greek mikros, meaning "small", and temnein, meaning "to cut'') is a cutting tool used to produce extremely thin slices of material known as sections. Important in science, microtomes are used in microscopy, allowing for the preparation of samples for observation under transmitted light or electron radiation. A donation to TESF would support our goal of providing students with this technology in the science classrooms, making a big step in their application of real-world microbiology education!